During the first years of life, children have an amazing capacity to learn, absorb and retain information. In this blog, we will discuss how to provide effective early stimulation to foster cognitive, emotional and physical growth in infants.

  • Interactive games: Through play, children learn and stimulate different skills with matching activities, block stacking or puzzles and construction games, encouraging cognitive development with problem solving, coordination and creative thinking.
  • Music and movement: Dance and sing with children using musical instruments such as maracas or toy drums, stimulating cognitive development, coordination, rhythm and emotional expression.
  • Reading and stories: Read age-appropriate stories, pointing out illustrations and asking questions about the story. Engaging them in reading through participation encourages the development of language skills.
  • Sensory stimulation: Explore textures, colors and sounds. Create sensory boxes with a variety of materials such as sand, water, rice, beans, soft fabrics, etc. Stimulates sensory development and curiosity.
  • Group play: Encourages social interaction through activities such as role-playing, cooperative games or activities in the park to promote the development of social skills, empathy, attention, communication and teamwork. Including exploration of natural areas.


Early education and stimulation are essential for the integral development of infants, through these various activities we can provide an enriching education in the first years of life of children. Remember to adapt the activities to the age and interest of the child.